Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

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Make Baush & Lomb ARL

Model Monolab 2100

With this instrument, magnification upto 1,00,000 times is possible. Can view fracture surfaces directly without any polishing.

In the normal mode of SEM operation, secondary electrons emitted from the sample surface are used to form the image. The intensity of secondary electron emission is extremely sensitive to the localised surface morphology of the sample, so the image formed will be a repressentation of the true specimen surface.

The CTR display is not a direct image of the surface as it would be in an optical microscope, but rather it is a depiction of the surface formed by mapping the result of the interaction of the electron beam with the surface, produced in levels of black through white

This instrument is used for analyzing the defects in casting, like slag or sand inclusion, Hair line crack, etc